“IT’S NOT ABOUT THE CONTENT OF THE MESSAGE, BUT HOW YOU’RE COMMUNICATING IT.” AMY J.C. CUDDY Associate Professor of Business Administration, Hellman Faculty Fellow “Our research has broad implications for people who suffer from feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem due to their hierarchical rank or lack of resources,” says Harvard Business School professor Amy ...
Pros and Cons of Vaping: Vaping, or the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), has gained popularity in recent years as an alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. While proponents argue that vaping can be a less harmful alternative, it is essential to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with this practice. Here are ...
Denial and Compulsive Lying: Breaking Free from the Chains of Deception I have recently had to deal with someone who will say and do anything to avoid any responsibility to get their way and blame others, so here are some thoughts on the subject: Denial and compulsive lying are intricate aspects of human behaviour that ...
1. One Christmas, some years ago, I was Christmas shopping, something I no longer do but I understand that a lot of people like to do Christmas Shopping, in Charing Cross Road in London, a street known for its bookshops, when I came across a friend and colleague inside a shop. We greeted each other ...
In my Blog on Vietnam, I wrote about the sound of horns from both scooters and cars. There is a constant tooting of horns, tooting being the important word, like a background symphony. I realised that it was a different sound to mostly car horns in London, that can be loud and aggressive and in ...
One of my sons, Matt, lives and works in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam and I have come here to see him and his fantastic partner, Hien, for a few weeks, so I’ve managed to avoid the snow in London and the Christmas rigmarole. I realise lots of you enjoy Christmas but I would rather ...
In the winter of 2021 we had a period of snow for a few days which laid 6 inches of snow on the ground. I was walking in Kenwood Park in one of my favourite places and I noticed that the left lens of my specs was missing. The pair of specs were quite expensive varifocal ...
Saturday morning and I am driving along the Seven Sisters Road on my way to Aikido Training, when suddenly I was confronted with a situation which could have turned out the wrong way and badly damaged my car and possibly me. It was a three lane road and I was in the outside lane and ...
WHAT’S THE POINT OF NATO? It is 29, now 49 days since I first published this blog and I don’t see any improvement and now there are claims that NATO is dragging its feet over supplying vital armaments to Ukraine. The following is a quote from a piece reported by distinguished journalist John Simpson on ...
Lets talk about England’s disaster of a penalty shoot out at Wembley against Italy. The players who were on the pitch towards the end of the game were obviously warmed up and they were there in the moment. It’s not just being warmed up physically but also mentally. Taking two players off the bench 2 ...
It’s an interesting question, presuming a lot of people may not to want to return to their jobs, and are considering a new direction in their lives. How do you do that? We can chunk it down into three possible options: Look for another job the same as what you are doing, maybe more money, ...
Stress is defined as “a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension…..resulting from factors that tend to alter an existing equilibrium.” In other words to disturb a person’s balance, mental and/or physical. According to Dr Joe Dispenza “Living in Stress is living in survival rather than creation and you are heading ...
“I used to put things off and now I can’t be bothered” A much used humorous remark about procrastination. But wait, it can be humorous but it is actually a powerful strategy. Imagine being able to put off putting off How do you put things off? Amplify the feeling by: spinning it adjusting the sub-modalities ...